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Saturday, March 7, 2009

UNimportant to Important

I've been feeling a little UNimportant the past couple of days. That is a very UNcomfortable feeling. It leads to UNcontrollable anxious thoughts. It causes me to be UNable to remain focused on a task. It leaves me with many UNanswered questions. It may even lead me to make UNbecoming comments.

Why am I sharing such negative feelings? Because I really want to share how those feelings were changed.

My husband has set up our computers at home so that when we log on, a bible verse from BibleGateway.com is on our homepage. I read the verse first thing this morning and really didn't pay that much attention to it. Psalm 139:23-24. I spent some time on the computer, took a shower, and then got ready for my quiet time with the LORD. As I began, I started by telling God how I've been feeling. I didn't quite know what scripture to turn to for relief. So I turned to the back of Psalms in my study Bible where I can find a little help: "When you feel. . ."

There are all kind of feelings listed: afraid, cheated, depressed,. . . .

Then I came upon UNIMPORTANT. It hit a chord in my soul!! The Psalms listed were
5; 90; 139


I did read and pray Psalm 5 which actually contains my favorite bible verse:
3. In the morning O LORD, you will hear my voice,
In the morning I will order my prayer to You, and eagerly watch.

I did read and pray Psalm 90.

And then I began reading and praying Psalm 139. Our God is so glorious and so faithful. His word is sharper than any 2-edged sword. (Heb 4:12) It is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. (2 Tim 3:16).

How can I feel Unimportant when my God:
searches me continually,
knows everything I am doing,
understands all my thoughts,
is scrutinizing my path,
knows what I will say before the words leave my tongue,
encloses me behind and before,
has laid HIS hand on me,
is always present,
leads me wherever I go,
is in the dark,
formed my inward parts,
knows all my days,
shares HIS thoughts with me,
knows my heart,
tries me,
knows my anxious thoughts,
leads me in the everlasting way!!!!!!

To the world I may just be another person, BUT to my LORD I am important. I'll just keep reminding myself of that!