Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Friday, August 21, 2015


Wow, sure has been a very long time since I put anything here.

I have now written 4 Bible studies for young girls.  The 5th one is almost completed.  The first two were printed week to week.  The 3rd one was printed at St. Luke Lutheran church and bound at Office Depot.  The 4th one was printed and bound at Office Depot.

I have decided as we study each week, beginning September 14th, to put some of the highlights here.  Not sure what it will include but I will include the comments from the girls.  They will be memorable, I know.

When we were studying the Fruit of the Spirit last fall, I read a long piece of scripture to the girls and then asked what they had heard.

Tyner's awesome response was,

          That was a whole lot of words!!!!

Yep, God's word, is a whole lot of words.  I can't wait to begin studying with these 3rd-8th graders again.

See you soon.