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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

now, leave it alone

Last night I heard a whisper.  It wasn't loud and terrifying.  It was just -

now, leave it alone.

I recently completed the study GIDEON by Priscilla Shirer.  On page 101 she stated:

"4 steps in Giving Our Gifts to God
    1.  Prepare it.
    2.  Present it.
    3.  Put it down.
    4.  Pour it out."

I have been praying (preparing it) for the right time to ask my husband a question.  It's wasn't a huge question.  I just have a way of presenting ideas that allow others to respond with a "no" without hesitation.  So I prayed.  And I prayed.  And I prayed for the right time.

Last night I asked (presenting it).  He asked me a couple of questions; which I answered.  Then he walked away without answering THE question.  

I heard a whisper - now, leave it alone - (putting it down).

And now I am back in prayer (pouring it out) so that I will be obedient to the instruction I heard.



Monday, March 24, 2014


A friend of mine "liked" something on facebook.  My first thought was, "Why would she like that"?  Then I heard my first whisper from God of the day.

What do the people around you see when they notice what "you like"?

As I have been getting ready for work, I have been thinking about this.  It is not just what I like on facebook, or twitter, or any other social media.  What do I show to my family, my friends, the people I encounter every day that I like?


Sunday, March 23, 2014


I pray for my children every day.  During this season of their lives I want them to be working full time jobs with benefits.  But when I pray that first, I am convicted by the Holy Spirit.  I hear the question - Is that really the first desire of your heart for them?  And I must admit it runs a very close second to my very first desire.  My first desire is that they would love God and seek him above all else.  

So to help me keep my desires and my wants in the right place I have been using the small version of this book:

I am thankful Stormie Omartian has chosen to write prayers that can help me when I just want my way to happen with my children.

I love you Tripp Potterfield.
I love you Jackson Potterfield
I love you Liz Yates - my future daughter-in-law

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Building A Memory (BAM)


I have a snuggie - it looks kinda like this:

I put it on backwards this morning and discovered that it is very large.  It is so large and long that I can use it for a royal robe - it just trails behind me.  I am short - 4'11.5".  Yep that's eleven and one half inches.  I will take every piece of that one half inch.

So I paraded around and remembered that I have a tiara.  Well, really I have three tiaras.  The one I wore this morning looks like this:

It was fun, made me smile, and made my husband laugh.

Just a good Saturday morning memory to hold onto for the future.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Who are the sailors in my life?

She Shares Truth

This writing is my response to studying Jonah 1&2

The sailors caught my attention.  I mean they really caught my attention.  So much that I simply outlined their part of the story.
1.  The sailors were just working in their jobs on the ship.
2.  A violent storm arose.
3. They turned from each other to follow theri own solution - idols in their lives
4.  Captain - the leader - asked Jonah questions
5.  Were given answers and a solution but didn't do it.
6.  Joined together - tried to row back to land - for a solution
7.  Cried out to God and basically said "OK, we'll do it your way"!
8.  Scared/afraid when the answer worked.
9.  They turned to God and made vows
              I wondered if they stay turned to God after this experience?

This week I kept coming back to the sailors.  I outlined their story.  Then I outlined Jonah's story.  Compared them.  Lined up how they were similar.  Took me straight to the cross and then took me right to God with the question, WHO ARE THE SAILORS IN MY LIFE?

Who are the people that are working/living life that I encounter every day?
     Do I bring a storm with me in that encounter because I have been disobedient?
          When I bring a storm, am I truthful when confronted about the storm?
               Do I offer a solution to the storm that will point the sailors in my life to God?
                    Do I allow the solution to be carried out so that the storm may pass?

I confess to this group that I do have a storm I've run from.  I was invited to prepare a CEU course several years ago.  I responded yes.  I did not have to respond with a yes.  It was a choice I made.  I never completed that project.  It is never far from my thoughts.  I do believe I have been disobedient.  I'm wondering -

What storms will be avoided if I purposefully choose to prepare the course?

Maybe the course will never be delivered BUT maybe the knowledge I receive while preparing will be used to glorify my Father.

Just maybe the engaging in study and preparation will open my eyes and ears to things I've never experienced.

Maybe the activity of learning at night will encourage my family to be more active (we are all kinda lazy right now).

Maybe responding to this call, this burden on my heart, will be liberating.  Maybe this will be life changing!