now, leave it alone.
I recently completed the study GIDEON by Priscilla Shirer. On page 101 she stated:
"4 steps in Giving Our Gifts to God
1. Prepare it.
2. Present it.
3. Put it down.
4. Pour it out."
I have been praying (preparing it) for the right time to ask my husband a question. It's wasn't a huge question. I just have a way of presenting ideas that allow others to respond with a "no" without hesitation. So I prayed. And I prayed. And I prayed for the right time.
Last night I asked (presenting it). He asked me a couple of questions; which I answered. Then he walked away without answering THE question.
I heard a whisper - now, leave it alone - (putting it down).
And now I am back in prayer (pouring it out) so that I will be obedient to the instruction I heard.
An update: I did not receive the response I wanted to my question. But I received a blessing that is beyond description. My husband without prompting attending every Holy Week service with me this year. That may never happen again. It may happen every year in the future. I don't know. What I do know is that when I am obedient to my Lord then I am blessed beyond anything I can imagine.